November 7, 2022 – Houston, Texas – Oceaneering International, Inc., announces today that Oceaneering Space Systems (OSS), a division of the Aerospace and Defense Technologies segment, will serve on a team led by Jacobs, to support the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) JSC Engineering, Technology, and Science (JETS) II contract.
Image from Shutterstock.
Jacobs was awarded the JETS II contract in June 2022. The contract covers the provision of engineering and scientific products, technical services, and related services for NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, and other NASA centers and government agencies. The contract is for a base period of five years with two two-year option periods and one one-year option period for a total potential performance period of 10 years.
OSS will provide labor and technical services as part of the JETS II team. OSS previously served on a team led by Jacobs, servicing the original JETS contract, awarded in 2013.
Rod Larson, President and Chief Executive Officer, states, “We are thrilled to support Jacobs in executing the JETS II work scope. This award builds upon Oceaneering’s longstanding relationships with Jacobs and NASA, delivering mission critical products and services to the NASA and the aerospace industry for over 40 years.”
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