Career Search

Oceaneering has offices and operational bases around the world. Click through the links below to view and search job openings by region.

Resumes submitted to this website by a third party, such as professional search firms or agencies, will be considered unsolicited and will become the property of Oceaneering International, Inc. (“Oceaneering”). Oceaneering will not be obligated to pay a referral fee for the hiring of a candidate by means of an unsolicited resume submitted directly or indirectly through this site or any other means. Oceaneering only pays for third-party referrals for resumes requested directly by the human resources department from our current vendors.

Quick Tips for Applying

Starting the Application Process

Click on one of the regional career search links above to begin the application process.

Register to Apply

  • You will be asked to register in order to apply.
  • You will only need to complete the registration process once.
  • Select a unique username and password.
  • Once registered, you will be able to apply to any posted job and save job applications.


  • When applying to a posting, you will be able to upload a document, copy and paste text, or use a resume/CV saved to your username.
  • If uploading a CV or resume, the format must be in Microsoft Word or an Adobe Acrobat file.

What Do the Following Buttons Mean?

  • SAVE DRAFT: To save a copy of the application and return at a later time for completion. The application WILL NOT be sent to our recruiters for review.
  • CLOSE APPLICATION: This will cancel the application. A copy of the application will NOT be saved to your profile and sent to the hiring team.
  • SUBMIT: Will become available at the very end of the application process. This will complete the application and send to the recruiters. Before submitting, make sure all information is correct and you have completed all of the required fields.

Important Notes

The U.S. is not able to accept unsolicited resumes. To be considered for a position in the U.S., a completed application must be submitted.