
In December 2023, Oceaneering’s Maintenance and Reliability Solutions team completed a three-year maintenance build scope for two related facilities off the west coast of Africa.

The build provided the client with the key information needed for a Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessel and its associated offloading terminal and enabled them to establish an optimized maintenance program for both facilities.

Our Solution

The asset technical hierarchy, previously delivered by Oceaneering, for the facilities provided the necessary base data for the criticality assessment of the combined 110,000 asset tags of the FPSO and terminal.

This information then drove the assignment of the client’s equipment maintenance plans.

The team also supported the development of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) based maintenance plans for critical items of equipment, including cranes and loading arms. This provided additional assurance that the failure modes of this equipment were being managed effectively.

Finally, the resulting equipment criticality and assigned maintenance data for both facilities was loaded into the client’s Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).


The project delivered consistently assigned maintenance plans, aligning with the asset technical hierarchy and established equipment criticalities. This provided the client with confidence that all equipment would be maintained appropriately, in the most efficient method possible, whilst reducing risk and increasing asset uptime.

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