
Petróleo e gás




Europa e Oriente Médio
Visão geral

In late 2022, Oceaneering’s Maintenance and Reliability Solutions team completed the handover of a draft maintenance program build for a newbuild Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for a major European energy producer. But the FPSO completion, challenged by delays and restrictions introduced by the COVID 19 pandemic, then resulted in the client extending and increasing Oceaneering’s scope to provide support until the FPSO enters service at the end of 2024.

Nossa solução

Oceaneering adapted to a unique set of challenges, pivoting from physical workshops prior to the COVID 19 pandemic to virtual collaboration.

Despite this, our engineers successfully engaged with the client to ensure the maintenance program aligned with company procedures and regulatory requirements. The maintenance program’s key deliverables included:

  • Development of an asset register and technical tag hierarchy
  • Consequence classification and containment classification to meet regional-specific regulatory requirements
  • Maintenance strategies, including failure modes and maintenance requirements
  • Integration of the maintenance program into the client’s CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), SAP.

Wherever possible, the team used the client’s existing generic Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) templates, adapting them where necessary to meet the unique assets on the FPSO such as the turret swivel stack. This step also factored in the additional maintenance requirements caused by the FPSO operating in the Barents Sea.


The project has identified and classified 120,000 tags across the FPSO’s systems and generated a library of 3,000 maintenance plans.

Maintenance scheduling is currently ongoing and will address the complexities of operating in extreme weather conditions, as optimizing the efficiency, safety, and timeliness of maintenance with regards to seasonal challenges is a major focus of the client.

The vessel is scheduled to enter operations at the end of 2024 and the Oceaneering team will complete a full handover of the updated deliverables to the client’s operations team to ensure a smooth transition. By the time of final handover, the project will have delivered consistently assigned maintenance plans, fully aligning with the asset technical hierarchy and established equipment criticalities. This will provide the client with confidence that all equipment will be maintained appropriately, in the most efficient method possible, whilst reducing risk and increasing asset uptime.

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