Articles & News

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How Smartphone Video Helped Repair Damaged Riser Offshore Brazil

Oceaneering uses ‘video of opportunity’ from smartphone to build an approximate 3D model of a submerged portion of a riser and extract features and dimensions that detail the character and extent of damage in...
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Remote Control

In the latest issue of Underwater Robotics, Oceaneering discusses remote ROV piloting from shore and discuss our recent deployments in the UK.
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Wellhead Load Relief

In the latest issue of UT2 Magazine, Oceaneering discusses the Wellhead Load Relief BOP Tethering system's development and case history.
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Making the Case for Safe, Robust Remote Operations

In the latest issue of Ocean Robotics (formerly ROV Planet), Oceaneering's Mark Philip and Nick Rouge discuss remote ROV piloting from shore and discuss our recent deployments in Norway, UK, and the Gulf of...
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The Future of Lowering Carbon Emissions and Increasing Worker Safety Through Remote Operations

In the latest issue of Ocean News and Technology, Oceaneering's Simao Silva discusses remote ROV piloting from shore and the first use case in the Gulf of Mexico.
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