C-Nav Customer Support

We are committed to providing 24/7 support for all Oceaneering® C-Nav® products and services. Contact us by phone at any of the numbers below, or via email at cnavsupport@oceaneering.com.

North and Central Americas

202 Stanton Street
Broussard, LA 70518

+1 337 210 0000

South America

Rua Lady Esteves da Conceição 1020
Novo Cavaleiros, Macaé – RJ, Brazil

+55 (21) 9 7629 9606

Europe, Africa and Middle East

5 Hillside Road
Bury St Edmunds

+44 (0) 1284 703 800


25B Loyang Crescent
Block 302, Unit 02-01
Singapore, 506817

+65 6501 1149

We provide convenient online access to a customer portal, helpdesk, reference guides, and other resources to help make the most of our positioning solutions.