Oceaneering is devoted to creating a talented, diverse, and inclusive workforce. The Women in Technology series, presented in partnership with the Oceaneering Women’s Network, highlights the women contributing to our company’s technological advances. In this series, we discover what makes their jobs rewarding and what advice they have for the next generation of engineers.


Oceaneering is devoted to creating a talented, diverse, and inclusive workforce. The Women in Technology series, presented in partnership with the Oceaneering Women’s Network, highlights the women contributing to our company’s technological advances. In this series,

Lisa McCrory is a Product Manager for Oceaneering Integrity Management and Digital Solutions (IMDS) based in Houston, Texas.

In her position, which she brilliantly describes as ‘the triad of business, technology, and the user’s experience,’ Lisa finds the most rewarding aspect of her job as being able to move the needle forward in technology and build user-focused products that create value for customers.

“I have been a part of multiple software development projects where at the end, the products have been amazing,” she said. “[These products] focused on user experience and improving processes through automation.”

One of her most memorable projects and achievements was the development of the Oceaneering Media Vault (OMV) 2.0, which allows users to monitor subsea and topside operations from shore with its advanced live streaming and archiving capabilities for real-time remote monitoring and data analytics solutions.

“The first product I developed in my role as project manager was OMV 2.0,” Lisa said. “I was able to go through the whole production process from idea, development, launch through to production.”

Lisa, who has been with Oceaneering for 14 years, started with the Asset Integrity division while she was still in college. However, at the time she had different career plans. Lisa originally sought a degree in Education.

“I became interested in the software systems and the tools we were providing our inspectors offshore,” she said.

Her interest presented an opportunity to be mentored by an engineer who managed the software systems database in the Gulf of Mexico. This experience influenced Lisa to switch her major to Computer Information Systems, which started the ball rolling in her career.

Lisa said that although being heavily outnumbered by men is something that you get used to, she turned her focus on building professional relationships over the years, which has been beneficial to her career.

“I have always focused on my ability to deliver, creating value for the customers, and building those relationships with my peers,” she said.

Due to the diversity and inclusivity she found at Oceaneering, Lisa said that she has always felt supported and encouraged by her managers and colleagues through the years.

Lisa encourages and advises the next generation of women interested in pursuing technology to find their passion.

“Everyone says that but, it is a real thing. If you do what you love, you will be amazing at it and take pride in all that you are able to contribute.”

One bit of advice that she wishes she had received before choosing her career was to speak up.

“Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion,” she said. “Your ideas make you unique and you should own them.”

“Women bring a different perspective to the technology world. Inherently men and women think differently, and this brings more ideas to the table. Women come up with unique solutions to complex problems, helping to solve the unsolvable.”

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