Oceaneering is devoted to creating a talented, diverse, and inclusive workforce. The Women in Technology series, presented in partnership with the Oceaneering Women’s Network, highlights the women contributing to our company’s technological advances. In this series, we discover what makes their jobs rewarding and what advice they have for the next generation of engineers.


Zoie Baker is a rigger specialist and technician for the Oceaneering Technologies (OTECH) group headquartered in Hanover, Maryland. In her position, Zoie finds working with others most rewarding.

“It can be quite challenging, but rewarding, being able to work with people that have a broad range of talent and skills to solve a problem.”

Zoie joined Oceaneering after hearing about it through word of mouth. She said that she thought it sounded exciting and creative.

“The environment is always changing, and I enjoy the diversity in projects and the creative minds that bring them to life.”

Her journey at Oceaneering has been exciting and challenging, partially because she is not a “techy” person and initially had some difficulty adjusting, she said.

“Looking back at the multitude pf projects I have worked on over the years is amazing,” she said. “From the beginning of concept to the delivery – not one of them is like the other.”

Zoie said that the next generation of women in the technology field should go for it and not be afraid to get their hands dirty.

“Do it! Trades are being lost. Learn what you can from the people around you because [the experience] doesn’t always come with a degree.”

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